WhatsApp chatbots for hotels: relaxed staff and satisfied guests

In today’s digital world, messenger chatbots have become an indispensable tool for companies. They fulfil a variety of tasks, from improving customer service to optimising business processes. Now, they have also found their way into an industry you might not have expected – the hotel industry. Messenger chatbots, such as via WhatsApp, offer an innovative solution for overcoming complex challenges in hotels and increasing guest loyalty at the same time.

This article serves as a source of inspiration and offers hotel operators an initial overview of possible areas of application and scenarios. Chatbots can be used, for example, to provide room information, process booking enquiries, answer questions about hotel facilities or act as virtual concierges for recommendations and reservations in the surrounding area. As an expert in messenger communication and chatbots, Memacon GmbH also offers a ready-made messenger chatbot solution. Please contact us using the form at the end of the article.

The WhatsApp concierge with information on hotel facilities and services

The WhatsApp chatbot can be a comprehensive information guide for the hotel’s facilities and services. Guests can use the chatbot to quickly and easily obtain information about the hotel’s various facilities, such as spa areas, fitness centres, pool times and other amenities. The bot can provide detailed descriptions, opening hours and booking information for each facility. This improves the guest experience by allowing them to plan their stay better and take full advantage of the hotel’s offerings.

The chatbot also encourages guest interaction and engagement. Up-to-date messages about special offers or events at the hotel keep guests informed and incentivise them to use the hotel’s services. This not only increases guest satisfaction but can also increase revenue in the various areas of the hotel by encouraging guests to utilise more of the services on offer.

Welcome dialogue via WhatsApp chatbot
(sample display)

Customer service via WhatsApp chatbot in hotels

Using our WhatsApp chatbots in hotels can significantly contribute to meeting or even exceeding customer service requirements and expectations by a wide variety of means.

Accessibility and ease of use:

As no additional app installation is required and many guests are already familiar with WhatsApp or other messenger services, the chatbot enables easy and direct access to hotel information and services. This increases user-friendliness as guests can use the familiar WhatsApp interface to get information about room availability, hotel amenities or local recommendations without having to navigate complex app menus. Of course, the WhatsApp chatbot service is free of charge for hotel guests.

Increased efficiency in customer service:

WhatsApp chatbots can automatically process a large number of enquiries in hotels, which significantly reduces the workload of reception and service staff. This includes answering frequently asked questions and providing information on hotel policies, room amenities and reservation processes.

Improved service quality through personalisation:

A messenger chatbot complements human customer service in hotels by enriching enquiries with additional information, such as booking details or special guest requests. This enables hotel staff to respond more efficiently to guests’ specific requests and provide them with a personalised experience without guests or staff having to start from scratch with every interaction.

Overall, the use of WhatsApp chatbots in hotels not only helps to increase efficiency but also improves the quality of customer service. Guests benefit from fast, user-friendly and personalised assistance, while the workload for staff is minimised.

Data protection and security

When implementing a WhatsApp chatbot in hotels, we attach great importance to data protection and security. We offer solutions that align with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In doing so, we rely on professional messenger software that complies with current data protection regulations. It is ensured that a data processing agreement (DPA) is concluded with all parties involved, including the software providers, to guarantee personal data protection.

In addition, we recommend that hotels review their privacy policy in the course of introducing the chatbot and adapt it if necessary. We offer support in the form of general advice and recommendations to help hotels comply with data protection regulations.

Room service orders

Hotel guests can conveniently and easily order food and drinks directly to their rooms via the WhatsApp chatbot. This service offers seamless integration into the hotel experience by replacing the traditional menu card with an interactive digital platform. Guests can view the food offerings, get details on dishes and share their choices in just a few words. Special dietary requirements or allergies can also be communicated directly via the chatbot.

Ordering via the chatbot is efficient and enables a contemporary and personalised service experience. Guests benefit from the flexibility and convenience of ordering anytime and without waiting. For the hotel, this means improved efficiency in service and increased customer satisfaction. The chatbot also offers the opportunity to present special offers or recommendations, which can increase room service revenue.

Room service orders
(sample display)

Wake-up call and reminder services

The WhatsApp chatbot can set up personalised wake-up calls and reminders for hotel guests. This feature lets guests easily set their wake-up call times via smartphone. They can also schedule reminders for upcoming reservations or events at the hotel. This service offers a modern alternative to the traditional telephone wake-up call and increases convenience for guests as they can adjust their wake-up times flexibly and as required.

Furthermore, the chatbot offers an additional level of personalisation. For example, guests can set specific reminders for spa appointments, restaurant reservations or check-out times. This additional level of service helps to improve the overall experience and makes the guest’s stay more comfortable and stress-free. This is a simple but effective way for the hotel to personalise service and increase customer satisfaction.

Wake-up call and reminder services
(sample display)

Feedback and complaint management

A WhatsApp chatbot offers hotel guests an uncomplicated way to quickly give feedback on their stay or report problems. This direct line of communication encourages openness to feedback as guests can share their experiences and opinions in real-time. This is particularly valuable for hotel management to respond immediately to guest concerns and continuously improve the service experience. The chatbot can automatically capture and sort feedback to ensure efficient processing.

By handling complaints quickly and effectively, the chatbot improves overall guest satisfaction. Prompt resolution of issues shows guests that the hotel takes their needs seriously and endeavours to provide excellent service. This contributes to long-term brand loyalty and a positive reputation. Collecting feedback also helps the hotel to recognise trends and make targeted improvements in service and facilities.

Feedback and complaint management
(sample display)

The future of WhatsApp chatbots in hotels

With recent advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, chatbots in hotels are already able to handle complex enquiries, provide more accurate information on room offers, services and local attractions, and automate a variety of customer service tasks. These capabilities are no longer just theoretical but are being put into practice, continuously improving efficiency and guest interaction.

The benefits of WhatsApp chatbots in hotels described above illustrate their great potential. They are already playing a crucial role in revolutionising the hotel experience and pointing the way towards personalised and efficient guest service. With the constant development of artificial intelligence, we are only at the beginning of what is possible in this area.

At Memacon GmbH, we offer solutions that make it possible to combine our pre-built industry templates with various large language models, such as ChatGPT. For example, hotel information, FAQs or booking details can be uploaded to the chatbot systems to answer frequently asked questions more efficiently and speed up other data-based queries. This enables a further improvement in interaction and service quality in hotels.


Chatbots in hotels are more than just a modern addition – they are already a powerful tool to help hotels improve their service and help guests faster and more efficiently. Whether by providing information on room availability, assisting with reservations or simplifying the check-in and check-out process, WhatsApp chatbots are helping to improve the guest experience and optimise hotel operations.

With the ongoing development and implementation of WhatsApp chatbots in the hotel industry, we can expect a future where hotel stays become smoother, more efficient and more customer-friendly. By utilising this technology, we can take a big step towards a more comfortable and enjoyable guest experience.

If you would like to learn more about how a WhatsApp chatbot could support your hotel operations, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss the details of our industry solution and help you on your way to a successful deployment.


We would be pleased to provide you with further details of our industry solution without obligation.